I awoke to this realisation at an early age, dreams have always fascinated me.
Initially dreams appeared to be short films that where edited by some overly creative director who randomly spliced together half a dozen different takes from different movies to create an obscurely cryptic scene which made absolutely no sense. Intuitively I knew dreams where far deeper than they first appeared. It was evident to me that there was underlying genius associated within these obscure tales of madness.
I started to record my dreams in a journal and patterns and messages began to emerge. I endeavoured to learn the language of dreams and realised that dreams were in fact messages in the form of cryptic scenes.
My passion for dreams was truly ignited when I realised that the messages within a dream were in fact tools for self awareness. These dreams were revealing how I could evolve and become a more enlightened being.
All dreams communicate a message. The challenge is interpreting and understanding the meaning of the message.
Dreams are a gift… my gift is I understand dreams!
Some say dreams are our sub-conscious minds at work. Some believe dreams are messages from the Angelic serving to offer advice, direction and instruction. The American Indians and many indigenous cultures believe that dreams are delivered by “Great-spirit” to guide and inspire the Soul. The Egyptians built huge temples for the sole purpose of dreaming and to receive messages from the Gods.
In contrast the famous philosopher Sigmund Freud believed that dreams revealed what the dreamer would rather keep hidden from the conscious mind and that these dreams where a mechanism to force one to face these aspects of self being suppressed.
Psychiatrist Carl Jung thought that dreams acted as a mirror for the ego, revealing what was missing in order to guide one into a state of wholeness.
All of these belief structures have a common thread – that dreams are here to help us and I totally agree! I believe a dream’s purpose is to give one awareness of self as a tool for enlightenment and self development.
I have the utmost respect and appreciation for the dream source, however, more important for me is that I implicitly trust, have faith and confidence in the intelligence and wisdom of the messages communicated through the dream itself. I admire the ability of dreams to come from a higher existence that is impartial, non-judgemental and has a far greater understanding and purpose of myself than that of my own conscious mind.
I also believe dreams are born from a source so highly evolved that they have the ability to detach and view the bigger picture of our lives and then deliver information with only truth and integrity in order to shine clarity and awareness upon ourselves and the life we are living for the purpose of our greater good.
If your goal is to evolve, move forward and obtain personal growth then dream interpretation is definitely for you!